SATURDAY: Out of bed at 5:30 a.m. and off to the "city" to watch the "Monk March"! All 10,000 of them for one big day of giving merit. Bags and boxes full of cooked rice, fruit juice, milk, soap, tooth paste, canned goods all to stock up the Monks cupboards...... Traffic was all ready building when I arrived so parked a few blocks away. People had started arriving long before sunrise in hopes of getting a good place to sit. Merit baskets very from shopping bags to fancy straw baskets!' The army and boy scouts help the monks by providing large plastic bags to keep the items given for merit. The "Marching Monks" are on their way! Monks are all bare foot as this is how they must receive "alms". Young Monks - Old Monks - Short Monks and Fat Monks. Really very impressive show!!!! Lots of "goodies" collected to help the Monks in their daily lives. After 3 hours everyone is on their way home. The next big celebration will BE on the 5th of...