Birthday Party!!

Food is a big party of Thai Culture! Thia's enjoy cooking and eating at home more then going out to a "fancy" restaurant. Crab - Prawns - Mussels - Squid - Octopus all combine for a great meal. It is nice not having to cook!!!

Making the Thai "hot sauce" and slicing the squid.

Is it soup yet? Looks good - hope you are hungry....

Firing up the charcoal (My idea using the hair dryer - Crazy Farang)

"BOY", yes that is his nick-name, trying out the bar!

Getting ready to eat??

And NO my knees will not bend like that!! Must have something to do with old age. L.o.L.

L.O.S - "Land of Smiles" and a good time was had by all.........


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